Event Schedule:
7:30 am – 9:00 am: Unload vessels
Kayak/Canoe Drop Off:
Wagner & Emmett Linear Park
795 Wagner Dr., Battle Creek
7:30 am – 9:15 am: Check In
Check in and park vehicle:
15 Carlyle St., Battle Creek
9:30 am: Shuttle to launch site
Shuttle bus departs for launch site (travel time 10 min)
9:45 am: Arrive at launch site
Safety talk, photo, brief water quality overview
10:15 am: Launch into river
Paddle length approx. 1.5 hrs
11:30 am – 1:00 pm: Depart river
Lunch provided for registered paddlers at Torti Taco Bar and Grill (80 W. Michigan Ave, Downtown Battle Creek)
1:00 pm: Event concludes
Visit kalamazooriver.org to learn more and to register.