Halloween Drag Show and Bingo

Halloween Drag Show and Bingo

Our current reigning Miss Battle Creek Pride, Sasha Banks has put together this fundraising event to benefit Battle Creek Pride and the next Pride Pageant. This drag show and bingo event will be at Cafe Rica, downtown Battle Creek on Saturday October 19th at 8pm....
Sasha’s Craft Night | BC Pride

Sasha’s Craft Night | BC Pride

Our current reigning Miss Battle Creek Pride, Sasha Banks is putting together this fun new event at the Battle Creek Pride resource center. Thursday October 17th 6-9. This craft night will give our community a chance to hang out and have fun at our resource center....
Battle Creek Pride Weekend Festivities – Candlelight Vigil

Battle Creek Pride Parade

Time: Kickoff at 7pm Location: Michigan Ave. From Washington to Commerce Point. On Friday, July 19th, we’ll take over downtown Battle Creek during the annual BC Pride Parade.
Battle Creek Pride Weekend Festivities – Candlelight Vigil

Battle Creek Pride Weekend Festivities – LGBT Q&A

Time: TBD Location: TBD “What does the “P” stand for in Marsha P. Johnson’s name?” Wanna find out? Then join us and 16 brave contestants in the Miller-Stone Building on Thursday, July 20th for an evening of straight answers to not-so-straight questions during Battle...