Mike’s Team Active Bikes
Bicycles, Accessories, Merchandise, Clothing and More
Team Active was born in May, 1986 under a different name – Wood Team III – when founder and Jackson, MI native Mike Wood arrived from Oklahoma State University with a marketing degree and a budding professional triathlon career. “I knew that if I put the same effort and intensity into this business that I’d put into my running and triathlon career, I would be just as successful.” After earning 12 varsity letters in cross-country, indoor and outdoor track, and earning All-American honors, it was a promising philosophy.
October 1, 1992, we left our 20th St. location and opened at our current location at 22 W. Michigan Ave. in downtown Battle Creek. After 32 years, Wood has demonstrated that his philosophy has paid off: a successful business, 3 amazing kids, 4 grandkids, and a beautiful wife. “We have been very blessed to be a part of the community and serve our customers with the brand of excellence that has continued to raise the bar.”
22 W. Michigan Avenue, Battle Creek, MI 49017
(269) 962-7688
Store Hours:
Monday: 10am-8pm
Tuesday-Thursday: 10am-6pm
Friday: 10am-8pm
Saturday: 10am-5pm
Sunday: Closed